The evolution of technology has transformed everything around us, and dentistry is no exception. There have been notable effects of the digital revolution in dentistry, including but not limited to, CAD/CAM assisted crowns/bridges, painless, drill-less, flap-less dental implants, caries diagnosis tools, and many more.
Advances in digital technology have not only improved the quality of dental care but also the efficiency of dental procedures. One of the technologies that have taken the dental industry to a storm is Artificial Intelligence. The dentists will benefit from an array of applications, resulting in better dental care. Let us have a look at a few technology tools that may change the shape of the dental industry in the near future.

Technology Tools In The Dental Industry

Dental Regeneration:

Regenerative dentistry is emerging as a new concept challenging the approach of modern dentistry. While the full impact of stem cell research is yet to be seen, it can replace traditional fillings and help maintain the ability to form a tooth. Also, the researchers are already experimenting on the dental fillings that can help the teeth to auto-heal with stem cells assisting the growth of dentin.

Augmented Reality:

There is hardly any field that is untouched by Augmented Reality, be it healthcare, video games, computers. The accurate simulation will help dental students and professionals looking to further their training and improving the patient’s experience.

Virtual Reality:

Virtual Reality, as the name suggests, is a situation wherein the experienced professionals can train junior professionals or dental students and professionals by letting them virtually enter real-life situations. Virtual reality is also said to calm down an anxious patient with calming visual distractions.


With the busiest schedules that most of the people have today, Teledentistry has emerged out to be the need of the hour. At times there are people who are too afraid to visit a dentist while there are others who never have the time or money for the same. This is when Teledentistry can be their real savior. With teledentistry, patients can virtually get in touch with a dentist who can connect live with them and offer consultation.
Legend Networking is a dental technology company offering dental and healthcare computer support and network solution to its clients. Legend Networking excels at domains like dental technologies, HIPAA compliance, and much more.